Rapid Response COVID-19 Business Support Initiative
South Central Workforce Development Board

The South Central Workforce Development Board has been awarded a Rapid
Response Grant for $27,363 from the Commonwealth of Virginia to assist small businesses
(fewer than 250 employees per site) with certain costs related to the COVID-19 crisis that
mitigates or minimizes potential job losses. Examples of uses include paying for cleaning
services so companies can remain open, paying for cleaning supplies, or purchasing items
that can assist employees in teleworking. Other COVID-19 related items may be considered
on a case-by-case basis. (Note: Equipment with a per unit value of $5000 or over is not
allowed; nor are employee wages). The funds are available on a reimbursement basis,
meaning the business must incur the expense and present proof of payment to receive
reimbursement. Reimbursement is available for allowable costs incurred March 1, 2020 –
August 31, 2020.
Each county in our region (Amelia, Brunswick, Buckingham, Charlotte,
Cumberland, Halifax, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Nottoway and Prince Edward) has a
proportionate share of the funding based on the labor force data. Funds will be awarded
for those eligible costs on a first-come first-served basis. Please return the application to
Debra Crowder at dcrowder@vcwsouthcentral.com. For questions, please email or call

Rapid Response COVID-19 Employer Application & Agreement